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Everybody loves stickers, they are an effective yet inexpensive way of personalising your products. If you have a logo, great! If you dont have a logo, it doesnt matter, I can still print a sticker to suit your business. Please note that all stickers must contain the same design, if you would like more than one design, please email us so we can advise. 


Available in packs of 6 sheets or 20 sheets. The stickers are printed on plain sticker paper (not gloss or matt) measure 99mm x 34mm and there are 16 stickers per sheet. 


Please email any files you would like to use to or there is a link to upload files at checkout.


Rectangular Stickers

  • If I haven't designed your logo, then I can still design your stationery, but your logo must be supplied in a high resolution format, preferably a vector file. This will ensure that I can design your work to the highest standard possible. Blurry logos are not a good look! 


Purple Scrunch Ltd, 34 Primrose Avenue, Cheshire, SK11 7YU
Company Number: 9668126
VAT Registration Number: GB 241 8479 91



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